Monday, 13 April 2009

Last days of freedom

Potatos and more


The last day of the holidays and back to work again tomorrow. Fortunately the weather has held up and a lot was possible in a few days. In addition to the first potatos going in (Sante) we have also managed to get spinach, fennel and broad breans in. In the potting shed (living room and Daniel's bed room) cauliflower, tomatos, courgettes, celeriac, runner beans, cabbage, kale, celery and peppers are all hopefully germinating. On the floor the maris piper and sante seed potatos are chitting.

I estimate that so far this year we have spent approximately £28 on seeds. This makes Aldi's seeds at 35p per packet very attractive and we will need to look at them. We have also registered at the BBC's Dig It site for 5 free packets of seeds.

At the momemnt the garden looks quite good and thanks to the software I am able to show a schematic of where we are.


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