Sunday, 12 April 2009

Dove of Peace

We have been very fortunate with the weather during this Easter weekend. Both days have been warm and sunny, blue skies with white clouds and not a drop of rain. Perfect weather to get a lot done in the garden.

An unusual Easter visitor was a dove which spent some time in the hens' run while the girls were out helping me turn over the ground. When the chickens' discovered that they had an intruder they became quite aggressive and wasted no time in letting the dove know that it had to leave their patch. It was comical watching the hens strut aggressively, pushing out their breasts and pushing the intruder around the hen run.

While looking for advice I came across a very useful site. Allotment Growing is a very full site packed with helpful information and active fora. In one of the fora there was discussion on growing beans and positive discussion about the Munty Frame as an alternative to more usual supports. 34000 people have read the thread and it is difficult to argue with that amount of positive opinion. So to that end we gathered up our sticks, canes, twine and waste frames and had a bash. The end result looks quite good and seems strong and stable.

However, time will tell.

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