However, in the few hours we had we did manage to tame a further stretch of jaggy corner and the clivilised world has grown by a few more feet.

Our animal pals decided to assist. The canine contingent made the most noise but were by far the least productive. They managed to do little other than ruffle the feathers of our poultry pals who can be seen pleading for help. In between these interuptions the chickens did sterling work in eating many disgusting looking wrigging and scuttling insects which I am sure we can do without.
The chickens are by far the best in the household at recycling. They take everything we dont eat (by and large) and supply us with both eggs and composting material. Apart from the black hen, who maybe a satanic infiltrator, they are placcid and ever grateful and demand very little from others or life.
By the end of the afternoon we have managed to make some difference and this should be noticable on today's picture. We have also managed to create a coldframe by recycling the wood from the old hen run and using polythene from a matteress delivery.
The abandoned greenhouse now has a path and two good beds. There is even a feeling of purpose at this end of the plot.
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