For most of the weekend it has been dreech, either overcast and cold or heavy downpours. As a consequence little work was possible in the garden. We did get a row of onions (Stuttgarter) planted next to the potatoes but other than this and some weeding nothing else was possible. To further depress the spirits I was on call again this Sunday. In an attempt to get ready for the big break two other plans have been hatched.
Firstly we will try and reduce the red meat in our diet. I have no desire to fight with cows or bulls after retirement and could not bear to stick a pig. This will not be easy, especially as the popular press is waging a war to remind Europe that mince is a mainstay of our Scottish culture. There is no vegetable equivalent of mince (or the scotch pie) no matter what the continental lentil sellers suggest. We will take the easy way at first; dal, vegetable curries, vegetable pakora and chapatis will see us some of the way. Chips and pasta will help later. If in a few days we have become really desperate then the mung bean and fenugreek may have sprouted. We may have a party to celebrate.
Secondly, we may move to Wales and Lisa's cunning plan is that I learn Welsh. This has got off to less than a flying start. I have discovered many letters change randomly from one to another (P becomes B except after C having become G). I seem the rules for this are based on those which govern the date of easter and whether offside has been committed. Once I have overcome this hurdle I can grasp the joy of verb-nouns, grammer, pronunciation and a language with no simple single word of yes and no. All this makes the fact that “she” is said “hi” (he) a breeze.
not to worry,
paid a becso !
Hi Alan,
thanks for the lovely comment in my GardenBlog!
Ich werde von nun an öfter mal bei Dir vorbeischauen!
Liebe Grüße von Anja
Interesting to know.
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