The attack on the jaggy corner continues through the Easter weekend. We have been very lucky, despite short hail showers, it has been bright and crisp and a pleasant for grafting. The first assault was on the soil in the far vegetable beds. As the before and after pictures show, three hours of work with the the spade, rake and riddle did their work. There is something very satisfying about an even, dark, and crumbly patch of soil.
After the preparation the following were planted from left to right in the front vegetable bed :-

Carrot, Chantenay Red Cored 2 (Mr Fothergill's - Rows 1,2,3)
Lettuce, Butterhead (Mr Fothergill's - Rows 4 & 5)
Carrot, Early Nante's 5 (Suttons - Rows 6,7,8,9)
Brocolli, Green Calabrese (Mr Fothergill's - Rows 10,11, 12)
Leek, Mammoth 2 Snowstar (Mr Fothergill's Rows 13 & 14)
In the first row on the main bed we laid our first line of potatoes (King Edwards) and behind the greenhouse (to make sure that jaggy corner doesn't become too tame) we placed three Gooseberry bushes (From Dobbies).
By the end of the day the site was starting to look quite passable.
Later in the year we can see if this labour is productive.