The weather has remained stubbornly cold with no sign of the respite of spring. The last few nights have seen the temperature drop to around -7 degrees and during the day it has only scarcely risen above freezing point. This had practical implications as our water supply froze. This left us with no water in the taps for a day or so. This absence of working taps fitted in nicely with the absence of working radiators, lights or electric sockets. Sitting by our wood-burning stove, having collected our water from the stream, we felt truly medieval.
We have become very aware of the weather and keen to be able to anticipate what it holds for us. The Norwegian weather site YR has proven to be the best weather site available. Its hourly forecast is uncannily accurate, you could almost set your watch by the changes in the weather.
Even though spring still seems along way off, and despite the cold, we decided to try and rescue the greenhouse. This seems to have been successful. After a couple of replacement struts were made from old skirting board, and the broken glass replaced, we have a watertight structure. This will probably last for a year or so until we manage to get a poly-tunnel.
The greenhouse is quite well appointed. It has good shelving, a water supply (when not frozen), electricity, and opening windows. We will need to find a paraffin heater from somewhere to make it fully functional.
During the rescue operations we uncovered a large number of pot plants and shrubs, many still alive. We will need to identify these and then replant them.
That's quite a big greenhouse.
After you put plants in the greenhouse, could you show us some photos.
Hi Aron, we should do tat over the next month. When you come done you will be able to help out.
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