Monday, 22 August 2011

Windy Meat

The garden has been quite productive over the past month or so. The best performers have been the potatoes, broad beans and onions. Therefore .. ..

this month I have been mainly eating beans, onions and potatoes.

This is not as bad as it sounds as they are the staples for many meals. A new recipe we found very edible was that below. This was so good that there are no photographs - as it did not hang around long enough.

Slice 2 onions, 1 lb of potatoes and one aubergine.
Crumble 4 oz of cheese. Dice 6 rashers of bacon
Use 2/3rds of this mixture in layers in a casserole.
Then lay a tin of topped tomatoes and some oregano on top.
Use the remaining 1/3rd of the mixture to make the top layers.

Bake for 1 hour at gas mark 4 then uncover for a further 20 minutes.

Robin Ince's Bad Book Club: One Man's Quest to Uncover the Books That Taste ForgotRobin Ince's Bad Book Club: One Man's Quest to Uncover the Books That Taste Forgot by Robin Ince

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is one of the funniest books I have ever read. At times embarassingly funny as it provoked laughter that was impossible to suppress - milk through the nose type of laughter

Excellent and also educational, providing a service by signposting books to avoid, well recommended

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Thursday, 11 August 2011

A timely reminder ..

The riots and looting in our cities in England has been a timely reminder that I remain keen to leave the urban landscape and head to the country. It is difficult to watch what happened and fully appreciate the changes that are happening in our society. There seemed to be an outburst of greed and violence much greater then we had ever seen before. People seemed truly shameless, there seemed no self control or awareness of others.

I suppose we are reaping what we sowed; our years of tolerating and promoting avarice, indulgence, and ego- centric celebrity have caught up with us. We not only forgot the seven deadly sins but promoted them - lust, greed  and gluttony were clearly promoted in our mainstream media, sloth was not a sin on the welfare state, vainglory was a key part of our celebrity culture, and envy and wrath were well represented positively in our media. Nothing now is wrong, nothing should stand in the way of our consumption and woe betide any fool who stands between me and my plasma TV.

While we will all get angry and demand that people play for this we have to think what we can do to improve our culture. In addition to what the state does to reduce inequality we have to look at what we can do personally. Just as we won't tolerate racism in public we should start to criticise the crass and unethical. We should switch of 'Shameless' as it is no more than misguided pornography for the middle-class, mute out N.W.A. , 50 Cent and the rest as it glorifies violence, zap MTV and shopping channels with their incessant promotion of bling and consumption, stop 24 hour shopping, burn celebrity magazines instead of trees, laugh at the person that needs "me time", and the list goes on and on.

All of us need to reconsider how we think and feel, for those of us with kids it is infinitely more important.

Despondently yours ... ..

My Epileptic LurcherMy Epileptic Lurcher by Des Dillon
My rating: 1 of 5 stars

Dya like nugs. Daddymummy like nugs. Nugs doing no no things. Bitey bitey no no. Good writer use all words, biggy big words and wee totty words. Book writer no use all words. He no likey grammer and stuff. This are big bookybook and only short storywory. You not likey this review - then avoid this book  like the plague

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