Thursday, 7 July 2011

Green Gym

 This was one of the better days at Green Gym today. Although last week's labours in Wemyss Bay woods, logging trees and digging ditches, was a better workout today's work taught more.

As it was raining we spent the morning make bat, bird and butterfly boxes for the local primary schools. During this I found out some useful woodworking tips and also some ideas for this years Christmas presents.

In the afternoon the rain cleared. This allowed us back out to work on the aeroplane engine exhibit. After finishing the digging out we were able to start building the plinth. During this valuable experience on mixing cement and laying stones was gained.

There were a smaller number of participants today, probably as a consequence of the weather, but the company  was,  as always, good.

Small is Beautiful: A Study of Economics as if People MatteredSmall is Beautiful: A Study of Economics as if People Mattered by E.F. Schumacher

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This book has repeatedly been described as one of the most important or influential of recent decades. This is not unreasonable. This small but exceptionally well written book contains a great deal of wisdom and advice. Some aspects, particularly those relating to technologies, have been overtaken by events but others, especially those related to morals or culture have stood the test of time very well and remain important today.

View all my reviews

Do Llamas Fall in Love?: 33 Perplexing Philosophy PuzzlesDo Llamas Fall in Love?: 33 Perplexing Philosophy Puzzles by Peter Cave

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is a genuinely funny and thought provoking book. It tackles important philosophical issues in an accessible and enjoyable manner. The issues and topics are wide ranging, from free-will, human rights  and the nature of knowing to the problems of sharing your lymphatic system with an attached violinist.
Short, puzzling and witty chapter, perfect for the bedside table.

View all my reviews

Gently With the Painters

Gently With the Painters by Alan Hunter

My rating: 2 of 5 stars

This is one of the George Gently detective series and is rather plodding and dull. The characters are too stereotyped to be truly real and, as a consequence, it is difficult to take them seriously.

A further problem is that the novel is now too dated. Some of the references no longer click and it is difficult to feel the menace of a criminal who is referred to as "chummie".

View all my reviews


Ellen said...

Hi there, I write for the new Clyde Life magazine ( and we include a round-up of local blogs and bloggers. Would you mind if I included yours? Thanks Ellen
PS I'm at

Lisa-Marie said...

If we get a bird box for Christmas, can it be red please? Hopefully we will have painted the shed and built a new fence by then.