It is quiet clear now that we have left winter behind and that times are getting better. Indeed we have had unseasonably warm weather for the last fortnight. It has been hot, sunny and dry and the plants have needed regular watering.

I and the garden have been quite busy. I have riddled the two raised beds and tried to keep up with the weeding. We have been taking slug patrol quite seriously this year but due to the dry weather there have been relatively few slugs .. so far.
The old faithful plants have started to show their heads above ground and the beans, potatoes and onions are clearly starting to get ready for the summer spurt.

All the seeds planted this year have been left-over from packets obtained in previous years. Often these have been free gifts with magazines. Some are past their sell-by date so we will await developments.

Even the apple tree has had blossom this spring.
The mystery seedlings that were damaged in the storm have started to develop. It unlikely that we will get a great crop from them but it is clear that we will get some lettuce, some cauliflower (if it doesn't bolt) and perhaps some celery.
Today we planted the peas (Kelvedon wonder which appratentl don't need supports) and started off the courgettes. A final task was to clean out and refresh the herb garden with dill, thyme and basil.

We are still waiting for the spinach, which I think has expired, and the chard which is making a very poor show.