Monday, 6 July 2009

Early Harvests

The dividends are starting to be paid. In addition to healthy and sweet onions there is now growth in the soft fruit are with both strawberries and raspberries making a healthy appearnace. No sign of the goosegogs yet.

The onions have been transformed into an onion tart later on, excellent with a side-salad from the garden. The recipe is as follows :-

Cut 1lb of onions and brown (about 15mins) in 3 tablespoons of olive oil and 40grams of butter. Add two beaten eggs and 6 tablespoons of double cream. Optionally (if not vegetarian) add cut up pieces of crispy cooked streaky bacon.

Add this mixture to a tart base of eaither shortcrust or puff pastry and cook in the oven at Gass mark 7 for 30 minutes.