Seeing the clouds of elderflowers everywhere we walk this month was a prompt for us to make Elderflower Cordial. This is relatively easy and the results are very refreshing and pleasing. All the recipes call for citric acid as a preservative and we first thought that this would be a simple matter ot calling into our local pharmacy. This prove to be a mistake. As citric acid is used for cutting heroin the pharmacists have stopped stocking it. Calls in various shops and a crawl of the web conformed the problem. The recipe below replaces the citric acid with lemon juice and seems succesful but I guess the longevity of the cordial (unless frozen) will be reduced.
Dissolve the sugar in the boiling water. Pare the lemons and place the zest and peel in with the elderlfower heads. Slice the lemons and add to the flowers along with the lemon juice. Add the sugar water mix and allow this to steep for 24 hours. After this strain through muslin and bottle. This will freeze if placed in a plastic bottle.